Saturday, April 14, 2012

Alpha Kappa Psi Lovin'

Hardcore procrastination currently taking place. Instead of writing/studying/creating the 5 papers, 2 presentations, and 2 exams that I have due within the next 2 weeks, I am creeping on Facebook and Twitter soaking in pictures and updates about initiation.

Congratulations to Beta Nu for their hardwork and WELCOME to the best Brotherhood on campus: Alpha Kappa Psi--Lambda Nu chapter. Wear those letters proudly because you all deserve them!

While stalking all the statuses and pictures, I couldn't help but feel nostalgic! I miss my Strong Family and line so much. My life feels a bit less exciting without them around me. There's never a dull moment when with the Strong Fam ladies!

My line! Big, Me, Little (cMm), and GLittle

LOVE my Big! (why is my hand awkwardly bent? i'm not sure)

Entire extension of our line. Pretty sure I've posted this picture before but I'm in love with it, so it's going up again!

Miss the Brotherhood but I especially miss my family members! Can't wait to be reunited with these ladies VERY soon.

Back to paper-writing I go...

***Totally aware I haven't blogged in almost a week! I've been swamped. Double-post later tonight?***

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