Thursday, January 12, 2012

Monthly Goals--January

It's been a hectic day so I apologize for such a late post! Have you all set your New Year's Resolutions yet? I don't like resolutions and whenever the new year comes around, I usually don't set resolutions. They are too vague and not specific enough for me. Instead of resolutions, I like setting monthly goals. It's more specific and more focused. Monthly goals help me in realigning my priorities every month. I know it is two weeks into the month but I've had these goals written down for awhile now and thought it'd be nice to share! Keep me accountable?

January Goals:
  1. Pack everything into one suitcase and one carry-on
  2. Say all my goodbyes with as little tears as possible
  3. Physically get on a plane and go to Beijing
  4. Read at least 2 books
  5. Finish studying the book of 1 Corinthians
  6. Continue keeping up with the new blog
Do you all have any awesome goals/resolutions that you have set out to complete?

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