Lent kind of snuck up on me this year. Things have been so hectic that I didn't realize that we are halfway through February and it's time to start thinking about Easter. I've been praying a lot over Lent this week and what I will be fasting this season.
What did I decide on? It's kind of a two-parter. I'm giving up Starbucks, or really any coffee. Yes, that includes coffee from Ward, Eagle's Nest, Dav, and any other place I frequent to get my caffeine fix. Simultaneously, I will be adding something to my daily routine for Lent: slowing down a bit and blocking out time for my devotionals and journaling.
The Starbucks and coffee thing is a pretty big thing for me and I'm already riding the struggle-bus on this one this morning (as it is Day 1). A huge part of my morning is heading into Starbucks before work, chatting it up with my barista, and grabbing a tall hazelnut coffee with room (if I'm in the splurging mood, I may go for a tall skinny hazelnut latte or a ice tall chai). There's nothing better than that first sip of coffee in the morning, when I all I want to do is crawl back into bed and sleep for a few more minutes. **side note: it's sad that my barista knows when I'm coming in in the morning, knows my drink, and is sometimes my best friend**
And the coffee doesn't stop there. I'm most definitely obligated to grab another cup once I get on campus before heading into the dreaded 5:30 - 8PM block every night. (I guess I shouldn't complain as I'm lucky to have dropped my 8:10 - 10:40PM block. Could you imagine the caffeine consumption at that point). **side note/random observation: Does anyone else think that the coffee at Ward is extra-caffeinted? I feel like I'm bouncing off the walls after a couple of sips.**
As you can see, I have an insane dependence on Starbucks and coffee in general. It's kind of taken away from the time that I can be spending praying, reading the Word, or journaling. Instead of depending on the Lord, I'm depending on caffeine for strength. That time I'm spending in line at Starbucks or relaying life updates to my barista, can really be spent praying for my friends, reading a verse, or journaling a thought.
SO, I shall be letting go of my dependence on Starbucks and coffee for the next 40 days and spending more time with devotionals and journaling! Who knows, I may even give up Starbucks and coffee forever after this? **Kind of a hard thing to believe now as I sit here with a "lack of caffeine" induced migraine.**
I'm really excited to see what the Lord will show me through this Lent season and how He will be moving my heart in different ways. What will you be doing this Lent season?