Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Chinese New Year through K.Kong's Eyes

It's been a week since Chinese New Year. Oh man, what a hoot that was! I legitimately had a social calendar for the weekend in order to welcome in the Year of the Snake. In a way, Chinese New Year isn't just about welcoming in the new year, it's a time spent celebrating with family and friends. What are my thoughts from Chinese New Year?

1. There is tons and tons of food.
The picture below is the spread at my grandparents' this year. There was more than enough food! And the picture above? That's only round 1! Crazy, huh? Nothing like Grandma and Grandpa You's homecooking. Yum-o! I definitely felt like a bowling ball afterwards. I could've rolled outta there!

2. We have crazy superstitions.
There are plenty of superstitions in the Chinese culture. One of them being a good fortune egg. It's common practice to eat an egg for good luck no matter if it is a new year or if you're about to embark on a journey (aka get on a plane or a train).

3. Lots of family time.
While I LOVE spending time with my family, Chinese New Year is also the time to get the much appreciated "When are you getting married?" question. Not only do I now get that question, I get the "Where are my grandkids?" question quite often. Seriously now, family? The best thing, according to the Lunar Calendar, I am now 23 years old. Excuse me, what? To my family, 23 years old = you should be married by now. Cool. I'll let you know.

Mama Kong and I at one of the celebrations.

Alright, Year of the Snake. For your sake, my sake, and my family's sake, I hope this year is filled with good fortune...and somewhat of an exciting love life? (But seriously, I'm tired of getting those questions 10 times a day....and that's on a good day.)

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