Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Monthly Goals | February 2013

2013 is already flying by. How are we already in the month of February? As we start this new month, I've decided that I need to be kept more accountable with my monthly goals. It's so easy for me to come up with a list of goals and forget about them. Most times than not, that's precisely what happens. SO, starting this month, I will be having an accountability partner. Who you may ask? My wonderful Alpha Kappa Psi Big: Kendall!
Kendall and I at formal this past December.
Both Kendall and I started posting our monthly goals on our blogs about a year ago. *check out Kendall's blog. I'm quite in love with it!* Like I said, I prefer goals over resolutions. They are far more specific and keep me focused throughout the month. Kendall and I have swapped our lists of goals and will be keeping one another accountable throughout the month. My favorite thing that she does? For every goal that I don't meet during the month, $10 will be donated to charity. What a fabulous idea Kendall!
February Goals
1.Stay on top of homework: With a full-time job and full course load there is no time for procrastination! Weekends are for homework...not for play.
2. Blog more! I'm aiming for at least 3 posts a week (I'm on a roll this week!).
3. Get off my butt and workout: With such a busy schedule, it's tough to find time to relax and very easy to get stressed/grumpy. Let's recall to Elle Woods: "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy."
4. Write handwritten letters: Slowly chugging away at my 365 Snail Mail goal. Want a letter from me? Let me know your address!
5. Stick to my budget!: Now that I'm on salary, I'm on my own with all of my expenses. Time to cut back on the unnecessary meals out, Starbucks, and shopping. Sad day.
Let's see how I do this month!

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