Sunday, March 11, 2012

Spring Break

Chinese midterm in less than an hour...freaking out right about now. You are all probably wondering, "If you have a midterm in less than an hour, why are you blogging?" Well, to clarify, I actually have had this post written up in advance, thank you very much. I can't wait to be done with this three hour midterm. The second I turn in this exam I am officially on Spring Break! I will have to dash back to my room, grab my luggage, and head straight to the airport.

I'm hoping that getting onto the plane and to Fuzhou will be a breeze. I have this knot in my stomach and am terrified that something will go wrong. Let's hope not? How tough can a two and a half plane ride be?

I am beyond excited to be in Fuzhou for Spring Break. I desperately need to get away from campus and the school environment. A week with family sounds perfect. In Fuzhou awaits family, relaxation, HOT weather (it's nearly 60 degrees there compared to the 40 degree weather in Beijing), delicious food, endless amounts of seafood, and great shopping. Don't get me wrong, I will still have homework to do seeing that my professor thought it'd be great to assign an essay over break as well as a quiz on the day we get back. Thanks buddy. But, at least I will be able to relax while doing homework!

Cross your fingers that I do well on this midterm, get through check-in easily once at the airport, and arrive in Fuzhou safely. Prayers would definitely be much appreciated. Hopefully I'll also be able to blog through the week in Fuzhou. Not too sure about the internet situation at my grandparents!

If I don't update within the next week, I wish you all a FABULOUS week.

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