Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tuesday Tunes: A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That

Funny story. I actually had a Tuesday Tunes post all written up and ready to go live but I guess my mind had a different plan. I try and steer away from Youtube because once I get on there, I can't stop! It's a bit of a problem at times (aka when I should be studying). But, last night I decided to go on Youtube and surf around. Like I said, once I start, I can't stop. Not only did I stay up late last night on Youtube, but I woke up extremely early this morning and  continued to watch videos.

Have y'all seen that new show Opening Act on E!? That is legitimately something I want to do in the future: talent searching! I channeled my inner Nigel Lythgoe last night and searched for some talent. In reality though, I watched videos of my favorite artists. Down below are just a few favorite videos/artists of mine. Definitely check them out!

1. Pentatonix
Y'all remember my love for the acapella quintet Pentatonix? Check out their rendition/mashup of Bieber's As Long As You Love Me and Perry's Wide Awake. Prepare to have your mind blown.

2. Dave Barnes + Steve Moakler + Ben Rector + Andrew Ripp
I've written about Dave Barnes and Ben Rector before for Tuesday Tunes! Steve Moakler was actually lined up for today and Andrew Ripp in a few weeks. Coincidence, I think not? This video is actually perfect and I wish I could have been at this show. 4 of my favorite artists ever? The only person missing? ...Matt Wertz.

3. Chelsea Lee and Jason Reeves
Another two amazing artists! Remember my feature on Jason a couple of weeks ago? Well, here he is with Chelsea Lee, whom I also love! I actually heard this song live a couple of years ago when a couple of friends and I went to their show at Jammin' Java. Simply incredible voices!

4. Scott Hoying and Luke Edgemon
Y'all, I may be in love with Scott Hoying's voice. How can you not be mesmerized? This cover of Call me Maybe is actually hilarious and pretty much is a diva/sing-off. And yet...it's still better than the original.

Happy Listening!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Move Over Olympics, Hello US Open Series

Before I even think about the Olympics, my mind is all over the tennis US Open Series presented by Emirates Airline. The North American tour kicked off last week in Atlanta with the BB&T Atlanta Open and oh my, the first tournament did not disappoint!

The Olympics have qualifying trials for sports like swimming, diving, gymnastics, track, etc. In a way, the BB&T Atlanta Open was the qualifying trials for tennis even though the Olympic team was selected a couple of weeks ago. Present at last week's tournament was the US Olympics tennis team: John Isner, Andy Roddick, Ryan Harrison, and Donald Young.

As I sat on my couch watching the semis and finals of the Atlanta tournament, I couldn't help but feel a sense of USA pride! There truly is nothing like the sport of tennis bringing a community together. Atlanta is such a huge tennis community, and it was awesome watching this tournament succeed because of these tennis fanatics. Biggest match of the tournament? The evening semi-final match between John and Andy. Nothing like two Americans battling it out for a spot in the finals. Can anyone say, drama-filled match? Both players played some amazing tennis and the crowd was so into the match! In the end, the veteran Roddick prevailed. Don't be so quick to write Andy Roddick off! I think he still has a couple more seasons in him.

What I love the most about the US Open Series is that it is in North America! The majority of the tour is in the United States and it makes me so excited to see tennis being rejuvenated in the United States! It all leads up to the glamorous US Open at the end of August. The tennis is amazing, but the one thing that beats the tennis are the commercials. Y'all, go watch one of the "It Must be Love" commercials. I tear up everytime and melt at the drama! Inspirational, truly inspirational.

Now, go watch some US Open Series action. Who needs the Olympics?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Weekly Gratitude

It's the end of the week already! What?? I'm linking up with Ashley over at Loving Life and Lilly for Weekly Gratitude!

As I sit here reflecting on this past week, I realize that I have so much to be grateful for. I'm so incredibly grateful for my friends and family. I'm truly blessed to be surrounded by a group of people who consistently support me and lift me higher!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Blogger 411

Hey guys! I completely and fully apologize for being MIA this entire week. I'll chalk it up to it being my birthday week?

Well, I started Walk in Love not long ago so I thought, what better way to introduce myself than to link up with Becky over at From Mrs. to Mama for Blogger 411!

1. How long have you been blogging? And what got you started on blogging? Has your blog changed?
I started Walk in Love in January of 2012. It honestly feels like it was just yesterday when I created this blog! In order to keep my family updated on my abroad experience in Beijing, I started up this blog but I've grown to love blogging and the community that I decided to continue on! It's now a document of my life, things that happen, and the things that inspire me.

2. Did you go to college? If so where, and what did you study?
I am headed into my senior year (so excited!) of college at American University in Washington, DC. I'm working towards a degree in Business Administration with specializations in Finance, International Business, and Marketing.

3. Where have you traveled?
I have traveled quite a bit in the past seven months. I started the year off with a trip to Atlanta, GA for Passion 2012, and then China for almost six months. Once I returned to the States, I took a trip with my family to Canada/Niagra Falls! Prior to 2012, I have been all over the United States, from Florida to California to New York to Michigan to the South. My dream is to visit all 50 states!

4. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
I don't think I'd necessarily buy anything but I'd definitely pay off my student loans!

5. What are your 3 biggest pet peeves?
Loud chewing for sure, not turning on the turn signal when changing lanes, and clicking pens.

6. What is your favorite movie?
My go-to movie when I'm feeling down is She's the Man. I could watch this movie multiple times in one night.

7. What is your drink of choice; wine, beer, or liquor. Or Water, Soda, Tea?
I've cut out sugar from my diet so water is my drink of choice. Prior to this change, sweet tea was what I always ordered.

8. What is something you enjoy to do when you have me time?
Me time doesn't come around very often but when I do, I de-stress by spending time in the Word, journaling, and baking!

9. If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, which store would it be?
Such a tough one! Practically, I would say Target because you can do all sorts of shopping in there from home decor to groceries to clothing.

10. Share with us an embarrassing moment of your past? Or present.
There are plenty! But one that stands out right now would be junior year of high school when I was at Nordstroms with a friend trying out shoes for homecoming and I completely face planted. Whomp whomp.

11. What day would you love to relive again?
Another tough one! But, any of the days that I spent with John I would say! Some great memories there.

12. If your life was turned into a movie... what actor would play you?
It would definitely have to be someone Asian! But, I don't know any great Chinese actresses!

13. What are the jobs you had in high school/college/the early years?
I have quite a diverse portfolio of jobs (read oddest jobs). These jobs include working at a tennis tournament, retail shops, music venues, booking concerts, and interning at a sports/entertainment marketing agency.

14. Show us a picture from high school or college.

Since I celebrated my 21st birthday yesterday, I decided to share a photo from my 18th birthday. These girls and I have been friends since we were in 5th grade. Couldn't have imagined celebrating the 18th birthday with anyone else but them!

15. If you could travel anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, where would you go?
EUROPE! I have yet to travel over there and it is both my mom's and my dream to travel around Europe.

16. Show us the most current picture of you or you, or your family, or anything of meaning to you.
My family and I celebrating my 21st!

17. Where do you see your life 5 years from now?

Tough, tough question. I don't necessarily know what industry I'll be working in but 5 years from now, I do hope that I will continue walking closely with the Lord, getting married, and starting a family.  

Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday Favorites

It's finally Friday! This week has felt incredibly long for some reason and I'm simply happy over the fact that it is the weekend.

To kick off the weekend, I'm linking up with Lindsey over at The Bargain Blonde for Friday Favorites.


1. Handwritten Letters
One of my love languages is definitely gifts. I'm not talking about big, extravagant gifts but tiny things! One of my favorite gifts is a simple card in the mail. What girl doesn't love getting mail? This past week I received a couple of cards and every time a smile comes across my face. My day just brightens up!

2. The Hills
MTV is having a The Hills marathon today and I could not be more excited! This was one of my favorite shows in high school. I definitely loved watching the show pre-Kristen. Lauren Conrad was always a girl who I looked up to when I was in high school. She was genuine on the show and was incredibly relatable. You can't find a reality star more classy than LC.

3. eos Lip Balm
This is legitimately my "must-carry" item. I have an eos lip balm in almost every single one of my purses. This lip balm is GREAT. They glide on so easily and make your lips feel incredible. Love, love, love this product!

4. Cooler Weather
I know it's crazy to say that I'm enjoying this "cooler" 80-degree weather. But, in comparison to last week's streak of over 100-degree weather, I felt so comfortable this week. I will take the 80-degree, mild humidity weather!

5. Giveaway @ Bluegrass Bred
Bluegrass Bred
Mckenzie over at Bluegrass Bred is hosting a fabulous giveaway! There are some great items involved. Hurry on over to her cute blog and sign up already!!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Advice Needed!

About a year ago (almost to the date), my dad and I decided that it was time for me to completely refurnish my room. We got rid of pretty much everything in my room except for one small dresser. Once everything was moved out of the room, we headed to IKEA and had a field day there. We came back with a van containing a small bookshelf, desk, chair, and bedframe. The idea behind all of this new furniture was that in about a year, I will be graduating from college and will be moving into my own place. Therefore, all this furniture needed to be portable and practical.

This where I could use a bit of advice! For the past year, I haven't had much room for storage. During the purging process, we threw out my huge dresser and I've been keeping my clothing in a spare room. But, we're beginning to use that room as a guest room and I have to move everything back into my room!

My question is: What are some great storage methods for clothing, purses, bedding, accessories, nail polish, and books? Keep in mind, my closet is jam packed with clothing and old college notebooks!

I would love to hear what you guys have in mind! Thank you for all of your help. MUCH appreciated!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tuesday Tunes: Pentatonix

Please tell me that y'all know Pentatonix! No? Well, good thing that we have Tuesday Tunes! This acapella quintet made its way into the spotlight through the NBC show The Sing Off. I have never heard more intricate, genius, amazing arrangements than the ones these guys somehow magically create. It honestly is...music to my ears!

Last week, they released their EP, PTX, Vol. 1, and I was immediately floored by the tracks. Lead singer, Scott Hoying has the most incredible voice and he's only 19 or 20 years-old?? Ridiculous! But each member plays such an imperative role in this quintet. If one member were missing, that's a huge piece. I mean, give it up for the percussion duo! Avi on bass and Kevin beat boxing! Magicians, I tell you!

My favorite tracks on the EP: "Somebody that I Used to Know" cover (hands down my favorite) and "Love You Long Time."

Pentatonix's cover of "Dog Days Are Over" was simply mindblowing!

Support Pentatonix and check out their newest EP!

Happy Listening!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Book Worm: Set-Apart Femininity

I am a self-professed book worm. I think it's crazy when people say, "I would love to do more pleasure reading but I don't have time because of school." Prior to junior year of college, I was one of those people. But, do you know what I say? NON-SENSE! There's always time for pleasure reading. Consider this: how much time do you spend on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and any other social media platform? How much time do you spend watching tv? If you have time for those things, then you most definitely have time for a little bit of reading!

Since junior year, I try and make time to read every day. It's usually when I first wake up in the morning or before I go to bed. Half an hour is all I need! Typically I have at least two books going on: one fun, easy reading and the other a ministry related book.

One book that is completely convicting my heart and rocking my world is Leslie Ludy's Set-Apart Femininity.

From the first sentence, I was hooked in and couldn't stop reading. In many different parts of the book, I find myself re-reading the sections because it speaks so much to me and so hard to move past. God's been using this book to open my eyes and heart to understand what it truly means to live a Christ-centered and intentional life.

My goal is to write about a chapter a week and share with y'all what the Lord is convicting my heart of through this book! I'm so excited! Down below are just a few quotations from the first subchapter of the first chapter that really made me stop and reflect.

"Jesus is the only One who can truly satisfy the deepest desires of our hearts. And yet, most of us turn to everything but Him in a desperate attempt to find the approval we crave. And pop culture preys upon our longings for love like a relentless vulture (11)."

"We've been looking for beauty in the wrong place. And our incessant search for beauty has stripped us of all that is truly beautiful (12)."

Friday, July 6, 2012

July Goals

It's been awhile since I last posted my monthly goals! The last time was probably when I was in Beijing. Crazy, huh? Well, it's time to make the most of the month! I can't believe that the first week fo the month is already gone. The months are flying by! Check out my July goals!

1. Write more handwritten letters
2. Intentionally pray for certain friends
3. Read up on foreign affairs
4. Make a trip up to NYC and visit Lesley, Kate, and Kendall
5. Read at least 3 books
6. Keep working out consistently

Have you made your monthly goals yet?

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Oh My, Lilly!

It's that time of year again where I hunt for my next agenda. Planners are so imperative for me. Y'all might think that it's crazy that this one tiny book is pretty much my lifeline. Call me crazy, but that's just how I keep myself organized and on-top of things. My secret in life!

What makes the perfect agenda? Plenty of space, tabs, monthly calendars, and weekly calendars. Whenever I get a new agenda, I go through it and color code things as well as put in important dates like birthdays!

This year, I decided to go with the Lilly Pulitzer agenda. Girls, let me tell you. I'm drooling over this thing! I had preordered it a month ago and have been *patiently* waiting for it. Finally, I arrived home from Beach Week and there the package was, just BEGGING me to rip it open. I immediately broke that box and have been oo-ing and aah-ing every page. The prints are GORGEOUS. I absolutely can't wait to start using this planner!

Look at this beauty!


Preach girl, preach!

One of my favorite prints

Do you girls have your yearly agendas yet?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Pinterest Wednesday: 4th of July

Happy 4th of July!

Independence never felt more great! I am definitely grateful for freedom. This year, I will be celebrating this Independence Day from Richmond. I'm down here working but am living the holiday vicariously through Pinterest!

American flag via cake balls. DELISH!

Would love to make an American flag wreath

This would be a fab project to do with the {future} kiddos


Following me on Pinterest yet?

Enjoy the fireworks for me!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tuesday Tunes: Jason Reeves

Words won't say what you are so I won't even try
Suddenly I know I love you till the day I die

One artist that I haven't shared with the rest of the world (because I'm selfish!) is Jason Reeves. Y'all may have heard of this talented guy from Colbie Caillat. He co-writes with her quite often and is frequently featured on her albums! Way back when, when Colbie Caillat was first breaking it out into the scene, my dad took me to a small local venue to see Colbie Caillat. Her opener that night was Jason Reeves and I instantly fell in love with this guy. His music and lyrics are simple. No frills, just raw words. It was so refreshing to hear him and since then, I've been hooked. He's been my little secret for the past 5-6 years.

A couple of weeks ago Jason released a new album titled: Songs are Silent Films. He has such a distinct sound and I love it. This album has been on replay for the past few weeks. The songs are so...real and relatable. Who can't relate to love? There were times where I found myself tearing up at the lyrics and memories from the past popped up and attached themselves to certain lyrics. It's just THAT good!

My favorite track on the album is definitely "You're My Best Friend." Some runner-ups include: "Back With Me," "I'll Never Leave You Again," and "Nobody Else Could Be You."

Happy Listening!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Brand New Wheels

When I walked out of the airport last month, my parents had a surprise (a pretty big surprise) ready for me. As I had my luggage in tow, we stopped in front of this car that I didn't recognize. After a few questions, my parents revealed that it was MY NEW CAR. It is such a beauty! The second I stepped into the car, the new car smell made me so incredibly happy!

The new Toyota Camry is my homecoming/21st birthday present! Yup, you heard that right--a Toyota Camry. Time for a big-girl, serious car. I gotta say though, I'm just a little sad to see my red Celica go!

The car is now a month old and there's nothing that makes you feel more grown up than making that first car payment. Crazy! One step closer to the real world.

This is it!!

Freaked out a bit when we hit 1000 miles

Who's ready for a trip?

Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Month Back Home

Happy July! It's already July? What? Halfway through year 2012! I honestly can't believe that it has been a month since my homecoming from abroad. Time has flown by. It really doesn't feel as though it's only been 30 days. China feels so far away!

It feels great to be back home. I've gotten myself back into the swing of things and am keeping myself busy with: travel, interviews, meetings, work, and volunteering. Being home though has made me realize the things I took for granted prior to spending 5 months in China.

What are some things that I realized I missed about the United States?
1. No yelling in restaurants
2. Peaceful streets
3. Cheap Starbucks (about $5 for a tall hazelnut coffee? ridiculous!)
4. Normal bathrooms
5. No spitting
6. Being able to drive

So happy to be back home in the U S of A!