Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pinterest Wednesday

It's the one topic I've been avoiding since arriving to Beijing: FITNESS. My roommate and I like to ask each other, "Be honest, am I looking fat?" We of course say no to one another but there is no doubt I'm feeling these rolls setting in. Helloooooo love handles? All day every day I just eat carbs: noodles, rice, dough, and bread. That wouldn't be a problem in the US but in Beijing, it's kind of hard seeing that I can't run in the smog and the gym  membership is MAD expensive. So, I've resorted to Pinterest to find some workouts/motivation and lose these jelly rolls!!

Alright, time to get back in shape! Well, technically, I worked out A TON at the concert today (I pretty much ran laps around the venue) but my first day of LEGIT fitness work outs start tomorrow. Hope this goes well!

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